Loxton Golf Club Pink Day June 2nd
Just a quick note to let you know about the Loxton Pink Day next Wed 2nd June 2021. This is open for men and women. All the details are in the attached flyer. Pink Day 2021 Flyer
Just a quick note to let you know about the Loxton Pink Day next Wed 2nd June 2021. This is open for men and women. All the details are in the attached flyer. Pink Day 2021 Flyer
SWAN REACH GOLF CLUB 2021 MENS OPEN Sunday 11th July 9am Shotgun Start 27 Holes A, B, C Grade & Veterans (over 55) $30 inc Lunch & Dinner! Nominations by 8th July to: Dan Hein Ph: 0448701088 E: big_dan99@hotmail.com Wayne Collins Ph: 0427407068 E: wcoll@activ8.net.au
Just wanted to let you know that the June Monthly Meal event is coming up in a few weeks. We hope to see you there. Why not bring along your extended family and/or invite some friends to join us. When: Sat 12th June, 2021. Meal: There will be a choice of 2 homemade soups, followed …
MMMM, Soup and Asian Style Main Course – June Monthly Meal Read More »
On Monday 3rd May we hosted the Riverland Veterans at the Swan Reach Golf Club. It was a great day, good weather for golf (and a fire in the club house) and lots of fun for all. There was a great turnout of around 50 players. We were fortunate to have Tirepower as sponsor of …