Twilight Golf Starts This Week
Hi all. Summer is almost here, so it’s time to bring back twilight golf! Every Wednesday from 4pm (also after work 5 – 5.30pm if that suits better). $5 fee. All members & visitors all welcome . The fee includes the comp & a snack after game (usually a sausage sizzle). A handicap is not
Ladies’ Open 2020
Friday 28th August 2020, 9.30 am Start A Grade – StrokeB & C Grade – Stableford(grades dependent upon entries) $20 per Player – Includes Light LunchEntries to admin@swanreachgolfclub.com.auLisa Hancock Ph 0427 864261Wayne Collins Ph 0427 407068
Murraylands Foursomes Championships 2020
27 Hole Open, Sunday 30th August, 2020 10am Shotgun Start $50 a Pair to cover entry fees and meals during and after play. Nominations must be made by Sunday 23rd August to: Email: admin@swanreachgolfclub.com.au Mark Coleman Ph: 0427702004 Wayne Collins Ph: 0427407068 SWAN REACH GOLF CLUB Facebook page Other details COMBINED EVENT – MEN’s &

August Monthly Dinner
Swan Reach Golf Club is pleased to announce the August Monthly Dinner. Why not come along for Spare Ribs Stir Fry Veg & Rice Desert Saturday 8th August, 2020 $20 per person for dinner – drinks are extra. The Bar opens from 5pm. Bookings Essential. Please contact Mike Perry 0417879739

Swan Reach Golf Club 2020 Mens’ Open
Hi Folks – we’re back with a competition. We are pleased to announce that the 2020 Mens’ Open is on Sunday 12th July starting at 9am (Shotgun Start). The event will be played over 27 holes for A, B and C grade, plus Veterans (over 55). The cost of the event is $30 including lunch and dinner.
Swan Reach Golf Club Clubhouse Closure
The Swan Reach Golf Club wish to advise that the clubhouse will be closed to all activities from 1200pm Monday 23rd March until further notice due to current restrictions imposed by the Federal Govt. The Tuesday Social Group/Comp & the final Wednesday Twilight Comp are cancelled for this week. Further updates to follow.
A Number of Upcoming Events in April and May 2020 have been Postponed.
You would all be aware of the challenges surrounding the Coronavirus (COVID-19) and the risk of person to person transmission of the virus. There will be a formal announcement from the Swan Reach Golf Club committee released shortly with more details. In the meantime, please note that we have decided to postpone a number of
Notice of AGM 2020
The AGM for 2020 will be held on Sunday 16th Feb 2020 at 10:00 am in the club rooms, followed by a sausage sizzle. All members & interested persons welcome. Help continue to grow and develop our golf club by being involved with the club committee; there are various positions available. Enquires to Wayne Collins
Welcome to the New Swan Reach Golf Club Website
Hi All. Welcome to the new Swan Reach Golf Club website. This site is still in the early stages of development and will be improved over the coming months. This “News” section is a very important part of the website – it will be used to communicate all official news and information to those that